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An Introduction to BitcoinFi

An Introduction to BitcoinFi
Written by Allan Cheng

BitcoinFi is essentially the idea of bringing DeFi to the Bitcoin chain. We’ve witnessed new developments like inscriptions, BRC-20, and Bitcoin VMs come to life, which we haven’t seen before. Why? Because people want to earn yields. They want to generate cash flow, income, and growth from their Bitcoin investments.

One interesting project we’re keeping a close eye on is called Babylon, a revolutionary protocol designed to scale Bitcoin to secure the decentralized world.

Babylon is a highly anticipated Bitcoin staking protocol that is launching its mainnet this year in Cosmos. This protocol is designed to scale Bitcoin and allows Bitcoin holders to participate in the security of Proof-of-Stake (PoS) chains in a trustless, secure, and efficient manner. Here’s how Babylon’s Bitcoin Staking Protocol works and why it’s a game-changer.

How Babylon’s Bitcoin Staking Protocol Works


  1. Slashing and Security
    In PoS systems, if someone tries to attack the chain, they lose their staked coins. Babylon’s protocol converts these lost (or “slashed”) coins into something that can be burned. This uses advanced cryptographic techniques, like extract one-time signatures (EOTS), to make sure everything stays secure.
  2. Staking with Bitcoin
    With Babylon, you can lock your Bitcoins using Bitcoin’s own security features, like time-locks. This means your Bitcoins stay secure as long as you don’t attack the PoS chain. No third party is involved, so you’re in full control of your assets.
  3. No Middleman
    Babylon’s protocol is trustless, which means you don’t need to rely on any third parties. Just lock your bitcoins on the Bitcoin network, and you’re set. Your bitcoins are safe and secure, making it easy to participate in PoS security.
  4. Fast and Synchronized
    Babylon uses the most advanced Bitcoin timestamping protocol to keep everything in sync between Bitcoin and PoS chains. This allows for fast unbonding, so you can get your staked Bitcoins back quickly whenever you decide to stop staking.

    BitcoinFi: BTC Liquid Staking

Babylon partners with pSTAKE, a liquid staking protocol that allows individuals to stake their assets while maintaining their liquidity, enabling them to utilize the staked funds for trading, borrowing, or other financial activities.


Babylon’s Bitcoin Staking Protocol is a game-changer for Bitcoin holders who want to help secure PoS blockchains. It’s secure, fast, and doesn’t require trusting any third party. By locking your Bitcoins on the Bitcoin network, you can participate in PoS security with confidence while earning yields.

Key Features:

  • Trustless and secure staking
  • No need for third-party involvement
  • Fast unbonding with advanced timestamping

Disclosures: Not investment advice. The Author, Sarson Funds, Inc. and its affiliated managers may hold positions in the projects mentioned. Talk with your financial advisor before making any investment decisions or have them contact Sarson Funds directly at


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An introduction to BitcoinFi

An Introduction to BitcoinFi

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