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Crabada: Revolutionary Idle Gameplay, Epic Storyline

Every good game requires certain characteristics: quality graphics, a good storyline, and something different with an edge.

What does a once thriving community do when faced with over-population and depleted resources? It forges ahead, ventures into new territories, discovers once lost artifacts from the Golden Age, forms new alliances, and strengthens their members to protect their valuable and limited resources from those who wish to plunder. At least that’s what the Crabadans do.

Crabada is currently a Play-and-Earn game built on the Avalanche blockchain. The crabs are the NFT (non-fungible tokens) assets owned by the players of the game. Similar to the play-to-earn game Axie Infinity, the Crabada crabs come in teams of three. With these teams, players can currently mine, loot, breed, and expand their forces.

Ancient Crabada Civilization Map

The ancient and once prosperous underwater kingdom of hermit crabs patiently awaits a leader – one that will assist the young Crabada in their fight for survival…

The Minds Behind the Magic

In typical crypto fashion, most of the team members choose be known for their previous work and remain anonymous by name. The group of 10 consists of four Co-Founders and six lead artists, game designers, strategists and community builders. Together the founders bring several years of business & product development and backend design experience in blockchain technology.  The full team combines previous work and expertise from groups such as Binance and Infinity in product design, smart contracts, NFTs, ethereum customization, and more. As a testament to its strong and innovative leadership, Crabada has become one of the best performing IDO coins on the Avalanche network.

Up and Coming

Crabada recently made a few announcements of upcoming events for early 2022. One is the migration to their subnet, Swimmer Network, which is currently live and in an Alpha stage. This testnet will use Crabadas $TUS  (Treasure Under Sea) token as gas and will include a “Fee-Cover Model” that will reduce costs for players.

By the end of Q1, the team announced a migration of the Idle-game and Marketplace into this new subnet. Eventually the play website will be replaced by the Swimmer Network and users’ assets will need to be bridged from the Avalanche C-chain to the subnet. Following soon after, Crabada will launch their Battle Game Mode as well.

Read on for more information about Crabada gameplay…


There are three main tokens for users in Crabada gameplay in which to earn:

1.  $TUS

2. $CRA

3. $CRAM

Users begin with a team of three NFT crabs which can be used to earn $TUS. Players can earn TUS by simply playing the game in the form of mining, looting, and lending crabs in the “Tavern,” a place in the game where players can lend and hire crabs for reinforcement in their missions.

The second token is $CRA, Crabada’s governance token which can be rewarded through staking and playing during interactive periods. You can also obtain CRA through a decentralized exchange, DEX  (ex: Traderjoe).

The third token is earned only by staking CRA tokens. Once staked, users are rewarded once a week with $CRAM (Crabada Amulets). There is a maximum weekly limit of CRAM claimable throughout a four-week period. Players can receive 1 CRAM for every 50 CRA staked with maximum of 800 CRAM. The unstaking period for CRA is 21 days.

$CRAM can be used to increase the number of total teams a single user can obtain. By default, users are limited to a maximum of three teams, which means they can only play three games simultaneously. By spending 250 CRAM, players can increase their total teams by one allowing them to play four games simultaneously. Every 250 CRAM spent adds the ability for the player to obtain another team for gameplay.  Players can also choose to take part in the “Lucky Draw.” By entering into the Lucky Draw, players can buy tickets for a change of winning rare and pure “Genesis” crabs.


  • Mining – A player will form a mining party of 3 crabs and deploy them to an available mine. Once the Crabada begin to mine they do not need any supervision for the 4-hour expedition. (Game is Idle)
  • Looting – players can raid other players that are mining by simply choosing a mine to attack. During battle, players will take turns either adding or renting Crabada for reinforcements until the mining ends.
  • Breeding – Crabs can be bred up to 5 times. Players are required to have at least 2 Crabada to breed, including a fixed amount of CRA (105) and a dependent amount of TUS. The required amount of TUS differs from the amount of time the Crabada has been bred.
  • Battle mode – Currently, battle mode is yet to be released and will launch end of March – early April.

The future of Crabada and it’s undersea kingdom looks promising with its powerful development team, the backing of several partnerships such as NFT Soccer Games, One Earth Games, and Yield Hunt, and its Avalanche subnet migration.  We look forward to seeing how this plays out.

Written by Jenny Mongan

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