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Crown Sterling Launches App & Wallet for Crown Sovereign Token

Crown Sterling App Wallet

Crown Sterling Limited LLC announced the public launch of its native wallet and secure messaging app today. The app allows Crown Sovereign Token (CSOV) holders to store their tokens, make transfers in and out of the wallet, and access details to unlock private sale tokens. Token holders can also utilize the mail feature of the app to send encrypted messages and digital assets using the company’s proprietary cryptographic protocol, CrownEncrypt™.

“We are pleased to release the app for the wallet, our iOS mobile app is coming soon, with an Android version shortly thereafter. We are excited about our utility token, its capabilities in the app and most importantly our roadmap of future products,” said Crown Sterling Founder and CEO Robert Grant.

The Crown Sterling roadmap aims to launch an NFT collectibles feature, make enhancements to the secure messaging and blockchain state transition function, and launch new data compression technologies during 2022 and 2023. The Crown Sovereign (CSOV), a quantum-resistant utility token, enables users to participate in the secure transmission of their data with each transaction on the Crown Sterling app.

CSOV was listed on the FMFW and HitBTC exchanges in October and December of 2021. The CSOV token is backed by a quantum-resistant blockchain security protocol, developed exclusively by Crown Sterling. CSOV has been successfully engineered to be the first blockchain utility for One-Time Pad encryption, enabling secure communication, data protection and control.

“Data sovereignty has been a focus of Crown Sterling’s platform from the very beginning — something that for each of us means freedom of speech, your right to have control over your own data, and ownership of your own data. With Crown Sterling’s next- generation encryption products, digital asset investors can feel empowered to claim and protect their personal data. This feature is especially true with the launch of our new native app and crypto wallet. We put our users’ data privacy first,” adds Grant.

Sarson Funds believes that digital asset investors must keep a close eye on advancements in digital asset security. Technologies like Crown Sterling’s may inspire a new frontier of innovation for digital asset encryption and cryptography.

For questions about the CSOV token, be sure to check out the Crown Sovereign website or check out Crown Sterling’s recent AMA which answers critical questions about the details of their unique encryption solution and token utility, here.

About Crown Sterling Limited LLC

Crown Sterling is a pioneer of personal data sovereignty technologies, and is the first to implement quantum-resistant, One-Time Pad encryption as an option for a blockchain’s state transition function, which is the process flow of transactions on a network. The Crown Sovereign (CSOV), a quantum-resistant utility token, enables users to participate in the broad range of product offerings, including quantum-resistant cryptography and NFTs, as well as other future compression technologies. Crown Sterling looks forward to becoming the leading platform for data and digital asset management.

For more information, please visit

Disclosures: Not investment advice. It should be assumed that Sarson Funds or its affiliated managers hold positions in all projects that are discussed. It is not possible to invest in any project directly through Sarson Funds, Inc. or its affiliated managers. Any investment product offered by managers affiliated with Sarson Funds should be assumed to be only available to Accredited Investors and subject to the individual terms and conditions of that offering including but not limited to those eligibility requirements associated with U.S. Securities Regulation D, section 506c. Talk with your financial advisor before making any investment decisions or have them contact Sarson Funds directly at


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