Cryptocurrency Financial Advisors

Crypto-ESG White Paper Shows Crypto Works to Build A More Sustainable Financial Future

Crypto & ESG 2021 White Paper - Sarson Funds Research Report

Today, Sarson Funds released its “Crypto ESG White Paper,” an overview and guide to the intersection of Cryptocurrencies and ESG investing. Otherwise known as Responsible Investing, ESG advocates for environmental, social, and governance-focused corporate efforts, and is determined to build a better world through financial allocation. As the future of finance unfolds, it is essential to understand that the crypto ecosystem and ESG investing are aligned in the quest to build a more sustainable, responsible, and equitable global financial future.

Making up more than one third of the total assets under management (AUM) in the United States at the end of 2020, demand for ESG strategies are showing investment managers that Responsible Investing is here to stay. Alongside increased ESG demand, the cryptocurrency asset class has experienced explosive growth in recent years, as blue-chip cryptocurrency Bitcoin clocked in as the best performing asset of the last decade. Contrary to popular belief, the ESG mission of sustainability, social benefit, and just community governance is very aligned with the ethos of cryptocurrencies, which seek to unify the global economy with universal financial access and efficiency.

After explosive individual growth of both asset classes, 2021 has proven that ESG considerations are at the forefront of cryptocurrency innovation. The relationship between ESG investing and cryptocurrencies is dynamic and nuanced, with varying degrees of overlap across different blockchains, decentralized applications, and utility. Recently, environmental concerns surrounding cryptocurrencies have been met with widespread criticism, however, crypto’s alignment with ESG considerations is deeper than simply energy usage might suggest.

The Crypto ESG White Paper debunks criticisms claiming cryptocurrencies and blockchain to be harmful and unsustainable technologies for the environment, demonstrating how crypto is taking cutting-edge approaches to sustainability, social-benefit and impartial financial governance. Using real world examples of crypto applications, this paper illustrates the deep connection between ESG and cryptocurrencies and why investor demands for both must be regarded in unison. Together, ESG strategies and cryptocurrencies are equipped to build a more sustainable and equitable world.

Sarson Funds’ Crypto ESG White Paper also illustrates the considerations needed to build a ESG – Cryptocurrency portfolio. With such critical attention to investing trends and recognition of the importance of aligning cryptocurrency investing with the demands of traditional finance, Sarson Funds is also one of the first crypto investment managers to provide investors with a designated Crypto – ESG investing strategy.

Please visit for more information on how Sarson Funds is paving the way for a more sustainable, socially-responsible and fair economic future.


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